Thursday 17 April 2014

Currently Craving

If there is one thing that was made abundantly clear to us this week, it's that if you want to live in a lush and green world, you're going to need to create it yourself.

While I'll be the first to admit that Mother Nature is toying with our emotions, I can say that our current obsession has taken some of sting away from freak snowstorms like the one yesterday.

Currently we are craving cacti, air plants and succulents. There's something so cool about a plant that can injure you. Or something that looks as exotic and fresh as an air plant.

The best part of about air plants, succulents and cacti is the upkeep, these plants are relatively easy to keep alive and their sturdy nature is great for people who want the green, but don't have a lot of time to garden.

We're also lucky that our favourite spot to pick up some greenery happens to be right up the road on Parkdale. Next time you're in the mood for some next-level plants, visit our friend Kat at Blumenstudio for some amazing succulents and air plants, and a cup of coffee too!


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